California Alternative Methodology
Input Sessions
We are hosting a series of virtual input sessions to gather information directly from child care providers across the state. These input sessions provide an opportunity to share your experience delivering early care and education services, beyond the information gathered through the online survey. Questions will focus on program operations and expenses and the true costs of providing care.
Sessions are scheduled in English and Spanish. Please contact us if you would like to participate in another language. You only need to attend one session, but you must register in advance. Use the filters below to find a session that works for your schedule.

Choose your input session
Click here for a downloadable list of scheduled input sessions

All early care and education providers, including child care and development centers, family child care homes, tribal programs, and license-exempt family, friend, or neighbor care providers, are invited to complete an online survey to provide input into the cost study and the cost estimation model. The survey is available in multiple languages and should take no more than 20-30 minutes to complete.
Get in Touch
If you have any questions about this study and want to connect with a member of the P5 team, please either email or call us via the details below, or complete the contact form on this page.
Call: 217-469-5250