Cost of Child Care Model
Background and Overview
The Delaware Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) in partnership with the Delaware Department of Education (DOE) has engaged Prenatal to Five Fiscal Strategies to update the state’s child care cost model. This process will result in an updated, customized cost model that helps better understand the true cost of high-quality child care in Delaware, which meets state standards and compensates the workforce sufficiently. The state intends to use the cost model results along with data from a market price survey to inform the payment rates for Purchase of Care, Delaware's child care subsidy program. ​
​For more information about the study, click below.

Provider Engagement
Input from all types of early care and education providers is a central component of the cost of care work and P5FS is committed to ensuring provider voice is represented in the process.
P5FS is hosting a series of virtual input sessions to gather information directly from child care providers across the state. These input sessions provide an opportunity to share your experience delivering early care and education services. Questions will focus on program operations and expenses and the true costs of providing care.
Sessions are scheduled in English and Spanish. Additional language can be accommodated as needed. You only need to attend one session, but you must register in advance.
We have created a document that provides answers to frequently asked questions - please review via the link below.
Input Sessions are now complete.
Cost of Care Process
Delaware's cost of care work is following the process established by P5FS and sucessfully implemented in other states who have used a cost model to inform CCDF subsidy rate setting. The process includes five steps, as detailed in this graphic.

Contact Us
For more information or to contact the study team please email us at