P5FS is led by Jeanna Capito and Simon Workman. Jeanna and Simon are nationally recognized experts on prenatal to five fiscal issues and have worked in close partnership for nearly a decade. In this time, they have conducted comprehensive fiscal analysis projects, developed revenue and expense models, and have provided technical assistance on prenatal to five fiscal and governance issues for numerous states and communities. They are the only consultants to have supported states in using cost modeling to inform CCDF subsidy rate setting.
Jeanna and Simon formalized their partnership with the founding of Prenatal to Five Fiscal Strategies in 2020. P5FS seeks to address the broken fiscal and governance structures that exist within the P5 system, with a comprehensive, cross-agency, cross-service approach. This initiative is founded in a set of shared principles that center the needs of children, families, providers, and the workforce and fundamentally re-thinks the current system in order to better tackle issues of equity of funding and access.
P5FS also benefits from the expertise of several expert consultants that support our work in states and communities. Please click on a picture below to learn more about our team.